Now you can filter information according to different workplaces

Now you can filter information according to different workplaces

We know working in nutrition and dietetics means that no day is like the other. Every day you see different patients and often give nutritional counselling in different places.

To help professionals that work in more than one place we adapted Nutrium to allow them to link patients, appointments, messages and secretaries to a specific workplace and quickly filter the information they want to find.

How to add a workplace to an appointment?

Now, when registering a new patient, you will see a new field to add your workplaces. There you can choose from several places already added to your profile. In case you do not want to add a patient to a workplace you can select the option "All workplaces".

register patient at nutrium

The same process is done with secretaries. When linking any secretary to a workplace, it is possible for them to check which patients are related to that workplace as well, and also patients without a specific workplace.

register secretary at nutrium

Workplace filters

The option to filter information by different workplaces was integrated into several menu sections allowing you to sort which information you want to see and find what you need more easily. Thus, in Nutrium Homepage, Appointments, Patients, Messages and Activities it is possible to sort all information from a specific workplace.

When you select a workplace, you will be able to see all information regarding patients, appointments, secretaries and activities and besides, you will also see all the information about patients that are not linked to any specific workplace.

In the image below you can see a practical example where 10 patients are linked to Nutrition Clinic, other 10 to Healhium Studio, an additional 10 are linked to "All workplaces". When choosing the option "Healthium Studio", you will only see 20 patients. This is number is regarding the workplace you selected and also patients that are linked to "All workplaces".

filters at nutrium

For you not to lose track of your overall number of patients and appointments, none of the filters you choose is permanently selected. Which means that each time you want to see patients from a specific workplace you need to filter that option, otherwise, Nutrium will always show the overall information.

Default workplace

In the right upper corner, you will find the option "Currently at the workplace X" here is where you can choose which workplace you are currently at. This information will not alter the information you see about patients and appointments, it only refers to a default workplace set by you.

default workplace window in nutrium

The software assumes that every new patient, scheduled appointment, and logo added to reports will have your default workplace added. Regardless, you can always change this information.

This is the first step to a future feature where patients will be able to find a nutrition professional through Nutrium mobile app, check their workplaces and schedule an appointment according to availability.


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