Blog ofKaur Aura

Health Coach

Fitness and Nutrition for Mind, Body and Soul

Kaur Aura: The How, When and Why

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Wow, I can’t believe I’m finally here. I’ll be honest (why would we bother to be anything else?), I’ve

been so excited for this next step in the Kaur Aura journey. More importantly, I’m thrilled to share it

with you, my lovely followers. But the big question is: where did it all start?

Coming Face To Face With The Lowest Version Of Myself

In 2020, when the world flipped itself upside down and inside out, I received a full smack in the face

that life, my life, was moving too fast. Three years away from forty years old and tucking my son into

bed, it suddenly hit me…I was unhappy.

Why I did this, I’m not too sure, but at that moment, I chose to film myself. I think by documenting

how I was feeling, I would be more truthful and vulnerable. It would provide a true reflection of my

mind, body and soul at that time, and now, when I watch it back, I’m filled with sadness to witness

how low I was.

The person in the video opened up about her insecurities, not only about how she looked but how

she felt. There was zero motivation to make the most of life, and she struggled to find a reason to

get out of bed in the morning, even with her beautiful son lying peacefully next to her. She was

completely disconnected from who she was. Watching that video three years later, I can’t believe

that was me.

The Kick-start

Although it might seem cringe to document yourself, especially when you’re not feeling your best,

this is the perfect time to take ownership of who you are. Whether that’s making a video, taking

pictures or writing a letter, be honest with how you’re feeling, your concerns and the person you

want to be. 

The day after filming myself, I took action. Rather than focusing on the future, I switched my

attention to the day-to-day. Taking everything one step at a time to achieve a realistic change. I’d

tried multiple diets and fitness programmes, but nothing clicked, and because I didn’t connect with

it, I didn’t stick with it.

Committing To Myself

I still had a full-time job as an NHS midwife, which complicated matters with shift patterns, long

working hours and irregular eating times. But it was important not to let this deter me. Instead, it

was key to consider my entire lifestyle and find a solution which would fit.

First, I educated myself on proper nutrition, understanding that fuelling my body with the right foods

would aid a healthy lifestyle and provide me with the strength to confront other areas of my life –

my body and soul.

I sought enjoyable physical activity to build on my inner and outer strength. I had no desire to run a

marathon or swim the Channel, but I believe it’s more effective for lasting results if you find a sport

which challenges your body whilst developing your mind. For me, that was martial arts. My love for

fitness grew, and I’m continuing my fitness journey by qualifying as a Personal Trainer.

When it came to my mind and soul, I discovered the significance of meditation and breathing

techniques. Heading back to basics to keep your mind in check, especially during challenging and

emotional periods in life – which can hit you at the most unexpected times! I also reconnected with

my community, volunteering at the Midland Langar Seva Society (MLSS), where we support the

homeless and give back to those who need us.

Sharing My Journey

The most monumental part of my journey is that it worked! By changing my mindset and looking at

my entire life, I was able to craft the best regime for long-lasting results. I knew I wasn’t alone in

how I felt; life is complicated, and we’re all trying to figure it out. If I can provide supportive and trusted advice along the way, I believe it’s my calling to do so. And that’s when Kaur Aura: health and wellbeing began.

Holistic Health And Wellbeing

Who is Kaur Aura? Well, where do I start? It’s been a hell of a ride!

Our 3-core health and wellness plans offer our clients bespoke programmes to meet their individual

needs. Kicking off with an initial consultation allows us to get to know one another, understand your

worries and discuss the best options for you, whether for 4, 8 or 12 weeks. Considering all aspects of

your life, we can prioritise a holistic approach to implementing a healthy lifestyle.

Our Kettering Head Office has a studio where we host group sessions and classes alongside our

programmes. We also have a podcast documenting my own journey to turning 40! If that wasn’t

enough, we were nominated by the NNBN Business Awards for the Best Health and

Wellbeing Business of the Year 2023!

To be acknowledged by my peers is the most significant affirmation I could have wished for;

confirming our efforts and commitment to our clients is worth it. Although we didn’t take the

trophy, to be put forward as a finalist in recognition of the work and support we provide is a

phenomenal achievement. It was such a wonderful celebration of all local businesses, and to be

honest, it’s given me a boost to keep going and push this dream as far as it can go! 

And the great news is we are finalists again at the NNBN Business Awards for the same category for 2024! as well as Finalists at the Women's Business Awards too for Business Woman of the year (wow?!!). 

How Can Kaur Aura Help You?

Your health and wellbeing journey starts with a simple action…saying yes. Yes to change, yes to your

life and yes to being the most genuine version of yourself for you, as well as those you love. We offer

one-to-one consultations with zero commitment, so you can discuss your concerns with someone

who has been exactly where you are right now. We break down your concerns and barriers, creating

a bespoke programme for you with regular check-ins and support. Ready to say “YES”? Get in touch

with the Kaur Aura team today.

Achieve your goals with a follow-up that suits you!
Kaur Aura
Kaur Aura
Health Coach
Fitness and Nutrition for Mind, Body and Soul