Blog ofAdam The Nutritionist

Nutritionist · X175Al

Herbalist, H.N. , S.N & Master Trainer

Iron and Iron deficiencies

Monday, August 14, 2023

Iron is found in hundreds of enzymes and proteins in the body. 

Iron, in the human body, is found attached to protein. When it combines with protein and copper, the result is hemoglobin. Over 65% of the iron in the body is tied-up in hemoglobin.

Functions of Iron in the Body

- Helps create hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the body cells

- Performs important immune system functions

- Helps create myoglobin

Iron Deficiency Symptoms

- Fatigue

- Cold hands and feet

- Poor immune system

- Constipation

- Brittle Nails

- Pale skins

Food Sources of Iron (From greatest to least)

- Liver

- Oysters

- Beef

- Tongue (yes the tongue from an animal)

- Potato (non heme iron)

- Prune Juice (non heme iron)

People More Like to have an Iron Deficiency

- High intake of coffee or tea.

- Menstruating women (Women need more iron during, before, or after menstrual cycles)

These People Need More Iron?

- People with Leukemia

- People who eat a lot of soy

- Those who are wine drinkers

How much Iron should I take per day?

Iron is complex and must involve several test. Simply looking at the hemoglobin and iron levels is not a good enough test for iron deficiency.

It’s important to not depend on taking iron supplements as the iron can accumulate in the body and cause toxicity. If this happens, the skin may turn gray and the person will be severely out of breath, lose weight, experience dizziness, have headaches and have low energy.

In order to avoid iron overload, get your iron from food! When there is a deficiency, it generally takes about three months to overcome it with the aid of supplements and food.

Adding food with vitamin c will boost your absorption of Iron. So if the average person get .7 mg from a potato..someone who eat food with vitamin C in it they will get closer to 1mg than someone who didn't .

The RDA for iron is 8 mg and nearly double for women. Even higher for pregnant women (About 25-30mg) depending on the case.

Adam The Nutritionist- Birmingham Al

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Adam The Nutritionist
Adam The Nutritionist
Nutritionist · X175Al
Herbalist, H.N. , S.N & Master Trainer