Recetas deMilena María

Nutricionista · MP1261

Alimentación a tu medida

Ham and tomato egg rolls

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2024
Tiempo total
10 minutos
o100g of raw whole chicken eggs (2 medium eggs)
o30 grams of rocketo35 grams of raw lettuce
oA half of a medium tomato (70g)
o2 grams dried oregano
o30 grams of thinly sliced ham
Método de preparación
Crack an egg into a bowl, beat it up, and add your favorite spices.
Crack the egg into the pan over medium-high heat and let it cook until the bottom is solid.
Layer the tomato slices on top, then add the ham and a green leaf
Cook the egg until it's all solid. (Cover the pan to cook it faster.) Then, grab a spatula and roll it up nice and tight.
Make rolls with the egg. You can leave them whole or cut them into smaller slices.
Información nutricional
Por 100 gPor porción (223 g)% DDR
Energía122 kcal273 kcal14 %
Grasa8 g18 g28 %
Grasas saturadas2 g5 g27 %
Colesterol191 mg426 mg142 %
Sodio354 mg790 mg33 %
H. Carbono2 g5 g2 %
Azúcares0 g1 gremove
Fibra alimentaria1 g2 g8 %
Proteína10 g23 gremove
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Milena María
Milena María
Nutricionista · MP1261
Alimentación a tu medida