Tine Nyland

Tine Nyland


Hiking-lover and mom to two energetic boys aged 4 and 7. Fascinated by the great impact food can have on our lifestyles and vice versa.

About me

Fed up with diets and food manipulation by supermarkets and terrible influencing from many different social medias.

I believe it IS possible achieving a healthy lifestyle that lasts, instead of promising diets that work for a short period of time, but then your hit normality and you're facing the same challenges you did before starting the diet.

Head over to my socials (upper right hand side of this page) or website callunanutrition.com and find out how I can help you achieving the lifestyle you've always wanted for yourself.

If you want to go straight to area for booking in for a Calluna Call, enter the 'consultation' button.

Looking forward to find out more about what you're aiming to achieve :)



Online Meeting

+47 907 03 288

A perfect heart-warming and delicious dish all year round

Portions: 4

Start with preparing the rice noodles (read instructions on package), drain and set aside
Prepare all the vegetables and other food you want to all your roll with (i.e: tofu, sause etc).
Assemble the spring rolls:
Put the rice in hot water for about 10-15 seconds, until it is soft. One tip is to use a skillet where the rice paper fits. Transfer it to a cutting board.
Place a few slitces of all your ingredients (noodles, tofu and vegetables) on the third of the paper, carefully fold over once, fold in the edges and roll it over all to the end.
Assemble the spring rolls:

Portions: 8